Sleeping in a swag under the stars is a must

The outback is the perfect place to sleep under the stars. Cities have too much light and the air is sometimes too polluted to really see the stars. Outback Australia, with its wide open and clear skies, provides the perfect opportunity to sleep in a swag in the open air and star gaze yourself silly or until you get dizzy or fall asleep. No need to go to a planetarium and put on a pair of 3D glasses, sleeping under the stars in the Australian outback is definitely the way to go and is a MUST; but be sure to take friends, star-gazing is much more fun when done with friends.

What is a swag? A swag is like a large sleeping bag, but it’s made from strong waterproof canvas and features a comfortable mattress on the bottom. Within that, you place your bedding. Swags are the most popular form of outdoor sleeping equipment in the outback because they are like portable mini-beds that enable comfort when sleeping outdoors. Some come with fly screens and others don’t. And if you would like to get up off the ground, put your swag on a stretcher as another option!

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