• Carnarvon Gorge to brisbane

    How did Boobook Explore get its name?

    Meryl Eddie “Growing up on a farm in the South Burnett area and at the tender age of twelve I started my own business – a Poll Hereford cattle stud. When registering my stud I had to decide on a prefix. Most nights after the radio and T.V. were turned off, and you were lying… Read more »

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  • Identifying snake species based on skin shedding’s

    Recently we received a call from a member of our community who had found a snake skin in their spare bedroom. Concerned that they couldn’t find the snake’s whereabouts, we got them to bring in the skin so we could identify it before deciding on the next course of action. The easiest method of identify… Read more »

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  • Lace Monitor Goanna

    I was recently out in the field nearby to Roma Queensland, poking around for weeds when I spooked a large goanna beside the track I was following. It ran up a fence post and I was able to get a good look at it. This particular goanna is more formally known as a Lace Monitor… Read more »

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  • John Snow and GIS

    What is GIS? GIS stands for geographical information systems and is a tool that allows for the recording, visualisation, manipulation and analysis of geographical information. GIS is anything from the creation of basic maps to the management of spatial information databases to sophisticated geospatial analysis. What kind of stuff can you do with GIS? GIS… Read more »

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