  • Earth Hour

    How We Support Earth Hour

    Boobook (Ecological Consulting & Ecotours) based in Roma, Outback Queensland, supports Earth Hour’s #SwitchForNature campaign by implementing actions that encourages renewable resource use within our work place. Possibly one of our biggest energy saving projects has been the installation of solar panels at our main business premises.  For us the decision was easy as it… Read more »

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  • Scarlet-sided Pobblebonk

    Pobble What? – Frogs That Go Bonk

    On a wet summers evening a large toad-looking creature was spotted in the backyard. With an upright posture and dark colouring, we were sure it was a cane toad. Just as it was about to meet the fate of all other pest cane toads in our backyard, we happened to notice some rather bright red… Read more »

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  • Life’s Never Boring – Drought and Hopeful for Flooding Rains

    Well after droughts, bushfires and a bit of relief from rain in March it is time to put the fingers to the keyboard and catch up on some overdue ramblings. Around Roma, Queensland we’ve had a lucky reprieve from one of the worst droughts ever according to families that have lived in the district for… Read more »

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  • Barn Owl

    The Barn Owl

    The Easter Barn Owl (Tyto javanica) is quite a common night bird around the Roma district and throughout much of Queensland. To give it it’s full name, it’s the Eastern Barn Owl, which distinguishes it from very similar and closely-related forms in other parts of the world. You are most likely to see this bird… Read more »

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  • things to do in carnarvon

    Dining with the Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo

    There are many amazing things about the Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus ). One of these is its ability to find its favourite foods – wood-boring grubs! These are the larvae of beetles and moths which tunnel into various trees such as gum trees and wattles. In this snippet of footage, a male Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo, uses… Read more »

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  • Dusky-winged Ichneumonid

    A Sting in the Tale…

    In the past few weeks several residents of Maranoa have asked us about busy swarms of wasps patrolling their lawn. The most abundant of these is variously called the Orchid Dupe Wasp or the Dusky-winged Ichneumonid Lissopimpla excelsa. These are small, red wasps with iridescent, charcoal-blue wings. If one lands for a moment, you may see… Read more »

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  • Lace Monitor Goanna

    I was recently out in the field nearby to Roma Queensland, poking around for weeds when I spooked a large goanna beside the track I was following. It ran up a fence post and I was able to get a good look at it. This particular goanna is more formally known as a Lace Monitor… Read more »

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  • Feral Birds We Don’t Care For

    Springtime sees an increase in the numbers of birds brought to the Maranoa Wildlife Caring and Education Centre (MWCEC), and our great supporters BOOBOOK. It’s peak breeding season for many species. In all the excitement adult birds have mishaps like hitting windows or getting caught by cats, while youngsters can be blown out of nests…. Read more »

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  • Life is Never Boring – Extreme Weather

    It never ceases to amaze me the amount of time and support long term locals give up to help their community across Outback Queensland.  The owners and staff of BOOBOOK are another great example of this, even if I do say so myself. Two years ago, I and some fellow like-minded people, started a junior… Read more »

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  • New Zealanders Fall in Love with Boobook Explore and Wallaroo”

    In 2017 Boobook Explore and their partners Pauline and Justin MacDonnell from “Wallaroo” hosted a section of the “Big Sky Country Drive Outback Tour” to showcase inland Australia for New Zealand Travel Agents in conjunction with Outback Queensland. Here’s what our guests had to say: Excellent from start to finish The glamping tents were amazing… Read more »

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